Leona Grimm Evans Mother was Ida Florence Grimm, her Mother was Rebecca Kiracofe. Rebecca's Father was Henry (Georg Heinrich) Kiracofe and his Fathers name was Johann Friederick Kirshof who was married to Carhrine Wacker. So He was Leona's Great, Great Gramdfather. I happened upon this short information about him a few years ago on Ancestry.com
Frederick Kiracofe (Friedrich Kirchhof) was a part of the German Auxiliary troops brought over during the American Revolution to aid the British Troops. In the records of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Assocaition, he was a Musketeer in the von Riedesel Regiment under Claus Reuter. He was captured in the Battle of Saratoga in October 1777, and sold himself as an indentured servant. Our next knowledge of him is his marriage to the widow, Catharine Wacker Bowman in 1782 in Shenandoah Co., VA. In 1783, Frederick purchased land in Hudson’s Crossroads, Shenendoah Co. from his father-in-law, Johannes Wacker and his wife, Margaret, the step mother of Catharine. After Catharine’s death, Frederick married Barbara Koontz and they moved to Sangerville, Augusta Co., VA. In 1799. The baptismal records of his children in the Shenandoah Co. from 1785 to 1797 are in the Zion-Pine Lutheran Register with the exception of Anna Christina which is in the Zion-Pine Reformed Register. (found on www.ancestry.com)
I found this other information in other places on-line that says pretty much the same thing with a few other things added.
KIRCHHOF - My ancester, Johann Friedrich Kirchhof, according to the legend carried down in the family, was captured in the Battle of Trenton, and escaped at Carlisle, PA. He made his way into the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia where he married (1) on 30 Dec. 1782 to Catharine Wacker (Bowman) and (2) on 24 Feb. 1795 to Barbara Koontz. He is the ancestor of the Kiracofe, Caricofe, and Karicofe familes of Virginia. I am interested in finding documentation confirming this legend.
Richard Shindle
Kirchhoff, Johann Friedrich
Brunswick; Barmke; Musketeer; von Riedesel Regiment; Claus Reuter; Captured at Saratoga Oct 1777; Sold himself as indentured servant; Settled in VA and married Catharine Bowman and Barbara Koontz.
About The Association
JSHA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to researching those German auxiliary troops (generically called Hessian) who remained in America after the Revolutionary War, became loyal citizens, made cultural contributions and were the progenitors of any thousands of Americans living today.
JSHA was named in recognition of Johannes Schwalm, a Hessian, serving in von Knyphausen's Regiment, which along with other German auxiliary troops, was captured at the battle of Trenton. Thousands of German auxiliaries to the British Crown remained in America after the Revolution, and many, like Johannes, settled in the Pennsylvania Dutch area of Pennsylvania. JSHA was organized to pool information of several descendants who were (separately and unknown to each other) researching Johannes and his contemporaries.
General Baron Friederich Adolphus von Riedesel
Born: 1738
Died: 7 Jan. 1800
Cause of Death: Natural causes.
Military Career prior to the AWI:
< 1756: Commisioned Ensign in the Hessian Battalion at Marburg.
1756: Went o England with a German Regiment under George II.
1757: A.D.C. to Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick.
Aug. 1759: Battle of Minden.
1775: Colonel od carabineers, commanding the garrison at Wolfenbuttel.
Military Career during the AWI:
10 Jan 1776: Named commander of the 1st Brunswick contingent destined for America.
4 Apr. 1776: Embarked for America from Dover.
1 Jun 1776: Joined Carleton at Quebec.
June 1777: Commanded the Left Division of Burgoyne's Expedition from Canada.
7 Jul 1777: Distinguished himself at Hubbardton.
19 Oct 1777: Surrended with Burgoyne's Army at Saratoga.
13 Oct. 1780: He and Phillips were exchanged for Gen. Lincoln.
1781: Promoted to Lieutenant-General in America.
Sept. 1781: Ordered to Canada; carried a Clinton plan for an invasion fron the North.
mid-Aug. 1783: Sailed for England.
8 Oct. 1783: Led his troops for review by the new Duke of Brunswick.
Military Career after the AWI:
1787-1793: Promoted to Lieutenant-General, commander of Brunswick troops in southern provinces of Holland. 1793: Recalled from retirement to become Commandant of the city of Brunswick.
Major General von Riedesel's Orders
8 Feb 1776
22 Mar 1783
march to Stade, The Convention Army in Virginia, Brunswick troops in Canada
†Original: Morristown
, Lidegerwood Hessian Transcripts, LetterHZ-2, Microfiche 154-168.
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