This is Jim Shafers wife Bonnie, she also wrote her own life story.
Life Story of Bonnie Dearing Shafer
I was born in Spokane, Washington on December 22, 1910. My elementary education was at Longfellow School. One of my teachers there was Miss Binna Mason. I was to meet her, again, when I moved to Rockwood Manor; as she was a resident, and she was at that time Mrs. Binna Mason Dummeier. I recall her in my grade school days as a fine, vigorous, young woman who was the basketball coach for the upper grade boys. Although she is now in Rockwood infirmary. I will never forget her vigor and “school spirit” when she gave her support to grade school athletics.
During my high school days my mother, my younger sister, and I toke swimming lessons at the Y.M.C.A. These days were very happy days and I will never forget the first time on the diving board!
I graduated from Hillyard High School in June, 1929. I attended collage and after the summer sessions I earned my B.A. Degree and Life Diploma; by that time Cheney Normal was known as Eastern Washington University.
In September 1935, I became the Interstate Grades teacher at Green Bluff School. As part of my duties there, I was required to train the pupils to prepare a program once each month for the “Community Club”, which held their meetings in the Green Bluff Grange Hall, which was located across the road from the Green Bluff School. During practice for the October meeting, the Master of the Green Bluff Grange and a young farmer in the area brought a load of wood for heating the Grange Hall. This young man whom I met on that day was to have great influence on my life. On our first date we went to a dance at the Green Bluff Grange Hall.
We had a long and enjoyable courtship and on June 29, 1940, we were married at the Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho Methodist Church. We rented the farm for a short time and then purchased it. I enjoyed the farm life for many years. I served as secretary for the Spokane County Unit of the Washington State Dairymen’s Federation for 2 or 3 years.
We were members at Mead United Methodist Church while on our farm and we keep our membership there.
I have learned in later years that two of my pupils at Green Bluff School have become ministers, and a son of one of my pupils became a priest.
One of my most frightening experiences on the farm was the day when there was a fire in timber near our buildings and “sparks” were falling near our buildings.
As a member of Peone Grange No. 910, I served as Chaplin, for at least three terms, and as Home Economics Chairman for two terms. During my second term as Home Economics Chairman, Peone Grange celebrated its 50th Anniversary, and we had a nice dinner with some County and State officers invited to enjoy the meal and bring greetings to our members. One of the hobbies we enjoyed was fishing at the lakes in North Eastern Washington. We owned our own boat and were glad to be able to spend part of the day on the water; even though we very seldom took home our limit of fish.
In 1979, I suggested that we sell our farm and we sold it. We then moved into Rockwood Manor on February 29, 1980. We are very happy to be residents of Rockwood manor. I have served as Floor Representative for the 5th Floor several times. I was Vespers Chairman for three years and I recommended that Rockwood Manor should have a Chaplin and my recommendation was accepted for which I was very grateful. Other offices which I have held have been Vice President of the Council, President of Council, and Program Chairman.
I appreciate the activities which we are offered at Rockwood Manor. During the Christmas Season the decorations are wonderful. The Easter Season activities are lovely, too. Our library is a joy to use for reference work, and other information.
The new Bell and Howell Projector is great for the Tuesday Evening Movies.
Bingo is fun on Friday afternoons, and whenever my schedule will allow I am learning the game “Tripoley”, which is a new one for me.
We appreciate the Food Service Department and their willingness to provide the special diets for the residents who are Diabetics.
March 25, 1987 Mrs. James L. Shafer (Bonita)
Rockwood Manor, Apt. #503
Christmas Activities
5 years ago
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